Therapy For Addictions
Our Services
Therapy for Addictions
Not why the addiction but why the pain.
Gabor Maté
Addiction is like being stuck in a loop-a never-ending cycle where something, anything, takes over your life in a way that feels impossible to break free from. It can be binge eating, alcohol, shopping, food, porn, you name it. Addiction isn’t just about the substance or behavior itself-it’s about the way it hijacks your brain, making you crave it more and more, even when you know it’s not good for you.
But here's the thing:
You’re not powerless against addiction. Therapy can be a game-changer. One approach that’s gaining a lot of attention is dialectical behavior therapy, or DBT for short. DBT is like a Swiss Army knife of coping skills—it’s all about helping you manage intense emotions and develop healthier ways of dealing with life’s ups and downs.
DBT teaches you skills like mindfulness, which helps you stay grounded in the present moment and resist the urge to give in to your cravings. It also helps you build distress tolerance, so you can ride out those intense emotions without turning to your addictive behavior as a quick fix. And then there’s emotion regulation, which gives you tools to identify and manage those feelings that might be driving you toward addiction in the first place.
Therapy for addiction isn’t about shaming or blaming—it’s about understanding, compassion, and giving you the tools you need to rewrite your story. It’s about taking back control and finding freedom from the chains of addiction, one step at a time.